Personal Performance Coaching
Personal Performance Coaching

Fitness Coaching for Professionals
Your health and fitness is the foundation of everything that gives your life purpose.
Without it, you can’t work, give time to family or relationships and you are likely to become a burden on those closest to you.
Though, you already knew that!
So, the question is, why do health and fitness improvements tend to end up low on the priority list?
Business Owners, Industry Professionals & Entrepreneurs achieve amazing things. Creating jobs, developing infrastructure and making a positive impact on the world. But with that comes high time demands, deadlines, stress and overwhelm.
Health & Fitness is portrayed as something to ‘get right’. The list of things to plan for, (counting calories, developing a workout plan, getting to the gym, getting that niggling pain looked at by a physio etc) can feel like further overwhelm. And to do it right needs more time than you currently have available. So it gets bumped to next week.
Coaching, done well, removes the overwhelm and keeps you moving forward in a way that works within your current lifestyle. Through consistent and sequential improvements and habit building, the changes become permanent and the effects can be life-changing.

Coach Mark Tiffney
We Don’t Live in Laboratory Conditions
No two people are the same. No two lives are the same. So, attempting to shoehorn a protocol, no matter how well it performed under test conditions, spells disaster.
Why swim against the tide, when you can reach your destination with the flow?
By working within your restrictions, it is possible to build a routine that propels itself.
Rather than doing everything at once, do the most important thing next. The thing that will cause a change that then allows for the greatest further improvement.
- Improved Hydration (Causes better cognitive function. You get more done with fewer mistakes. So, have you more time and energy for further improvements)
- Improved Mobility (Makes movement easier & exercise more effective. You feel better, more confident, more more efficiently and get more out of your physical efforts with a much lower risk of injury and set back)
- Improved Nutritional Balance (Your body operates correctly, rather than compensating for deficiencies. You are tired less. Your immune system is vastly improved, so fewer run down or sick days, giving you more productive time).
These are only examples. For each individual, there will be one that will give the greatest return with the least amount of friction to your current life.
Even with this knowledge, most people gravitate to the thing that feels easiest or rewarding at the time. Because doing something is better than nothing, right?
The Maze is Easier to Navigate from the Outside
It can take an outside view to give you the perspective you need
Why work with a Fitness Coach?
Working with an experienced coach can give you the level of reflection you need to make the right choices.
When you are living the situation, it is difficult to have perspective to see the big picture. That’s why crash diets and over the top training routines are so popular.
Ideal Client: I specialise in working with 35 to 55 year old business professionals, business owners & entrepreneurs who are frustrated. Knowing the value of a fit and healthy, well functioning, body. Yet can never seem to unlock a plan that works without an overwhelm of commitments getting in the way.
My Unique Insight: As a qualified Architect, who worked in the industry for 9 years, I fully understand the commitments of a professional position. Where most coaches try to shoehorn a plan into the lives of their clients, I’m aware that, sometimes, it’s just not that easy. As a business owner 10+ years, I appreciate the pressures and stresses that most never see. And as someone in my mid 40s, I also know, at this age, if you never wake up with niggles, aches and pains, you’re probably dead. The world can’t stop for you to focus on your well-being, but there is a way to have your health pursuits and your work and life commitments compliment each other for their mutual benefit.
Service: Coaching is not, and should never be, an ‘I say, you do’ situation. It is a discussion. A constant feedback loop. And a support system, to ensure you never feel lost or alone on your journey. We would be working together for a minimum of 5 months. Starting with a 2-3hr deep dive session, to ensure we move forward with an aligned approach. This can include some movement analysis, but will mostly focus on mindset, obstacles and frustrations. We will, thereafter, meet up every week for a coaching session. This can be physical or virtual (I do prefer to ensure there are some physical meet ups as there are very clear advantages. But remember, we are working around your circumstances and that may not always be possible). Sessions are generally around 90mins in length, but again, if pressures demand shorter, we work to that. Check in and clarification emails are not only included but encouraged. Clarity is the key to focused progression.
“…all in all it is like a total revolution is our house which is fantastic as I just know we are all thinking about being healthy a lot more. Even my 3 year old little girl likes to copy us stretching etc at home, it’s great though as I think growing up in a fit environment will naturally make her be more likely to look after herself as she gets older too.”

Some questions that come up often
What if I’m not in the ‘Ideal Client’ category?
This isn’t a pre-requesit to working together. It is simply the group I have the most experience with and generally feel the most comfortable working with. However, so long as I feel, upon initial consultation, we will communicate well and I feel I can still deliver a high value service to you, then we can still look to proceed. (If not, I will aim to recommend an alternative coach who will be a better fit for you).
What if I can’t afford a coach?
There are always routes forward. Finding the route that works for you includes fitting in with budget. The key to coaching, from the very beginning, is a willingness to be open and honest. If you can’t do that, no one is going to be able to help you. But if, when we speak, finances are prohibitive, it would still be my intention to point you in a direction that you can move forward with confidence.
Do you offer group coaching?
In short, yes! Sometimes being part of a group can be advantageous over one to one coaching. Having a feeling that you are sharing the experience and building a network of support and encouragement is always going to be helpful. However, it is key that the group in question all have similar goals and compliment each other. But coaching for groups of 4 to 6 people is an option. If this is of interest, please mention it when you get in touch.
Do I have to live or work locally?
No, but it helps. Whilst I have had fantastic levels of success with clients I have never met in person, the logistics are always a little easier. Ultimately, when it comes to fitness, movement is going to be a key part. So, seeing you move is crucial. In person, I can ask you to do something and change angles easily. When it’s virtual you start having to video yourself or we do it digitally, but you then have to move the camera or your position. As a lot of what we will work on will be mindset, frustrations, general approach and feedback, these are inconveniences that we can always work around. But if you live in Glasgow or the Dunbartonshire area and can travel, then it is preferable that we meet in person, at least part of the time.

“I’m really happy with the results. I was happy even before seeing the figures as I could feel and see the difference myself.”