Personal Training Sessions Available
Over recent years, the focus has been on [One to One Coaching]. However, after several requests, I have decided to open a few timeslots for Personal Training sessions for those who are not looking to commit to full-on coaching or simply want to work on movement restrictions, physical improvements, or issues with self-image.
As such, I have arranged access to the private studio of Absolute Wellness in Gartcosh for fixed sessions, though online coaching and walking sessions can be arranged elsewhere.
The main focus is still on [Coaching Sessions] as reviewing all aspects of your life and changing habits will ultimately have more impact. However, utilizing this space not only gives options for working on physical elements one-to-one, but Julie, of Absolute Wellness, also delivers Yoga and Reiki sessions that could be extremely beneficial and complimentary to any work we do.
If you are interested in arranging a consultation or organising individual sessions, email
Personal Training
“I am amazed at the improvements in both my body shape and weight since having Mark as a personal trainer. He works very hard at keeping you in line and motivated which is exactly what I need! I feel fitter and healthier now than I have in a long, long time. Thanks Mark” ~ Tom Patterson
You are an individual, with specific needs, restrictions, imbalances and barriers that may be holding you back.
When engaging an expert, the goal is to address those unique problems. Not just train you hard and make you sweat.
If you truly want to make progress, then there is a big difference between working with an experienced coach and a PT with a qualification and a few clients.
Life is Stressful Enough
How much time have you wasted already saying you “need” to do something about your physical restrictions; your self-image; or you “need” to start working on your fitness?
How many times are you going to say you’ll start…
- Next week
- When this work project is finished
- When you’ve fixed your diet
- When you have more energy
- When you come back from holiday
How much more productive do you think you might have been had you done something to increase your energy levels; reduce pains and limitations in your body or had a stronger immune system (so fewer sick days)?
Looking after yourself is not a luxury, it is the foundation of everything good in your life.
If you limit yourself, you limit your impact on the world around you. And your lack of action may already be costing you a great deal.

Making changes can feel overwhelming, and often training sessions are not the core of the problem. Whilst any improvement is always worthwhile. And overcoming physical limitations can be the catalyst for much greater improvements, there is no denying that one-to-one coaching, due to the holistic nature of the approach, can be truly life-changing.
If you feel this resonates with you
Limited Availability
Whilst PT sessions can also allow for discussion of issues beyond the session (diet, stressors, bad habits etc), by their very nature, the focus will inevitably return to the issues being addressed within the sessions.
That doesn’t mean the service stops when the session stops. Contact, follow-up advice and suggested plans for non-session days are all part of the service.
For anyone looking to make more impactful lifestyle changes; break poor habits; review work-life balance issues; and focus on more foundational elements (such as sleep, breathing, nutritional habits, or even mindset issues that are paralyzing you in your attempts to implement changes) then one-to-one Coaching remains the premium option.
However, over recent years, it has been clear that many people are not ready to commit to full-service coaching, or their current needs are more focused on the physical realm.
As such, due to consistent enquiries, I have decided to open up slots on a limited basis (for now at least) and these will be available from the Absolute Wellness venue in Gartcosh (or in very limited cases, in either Cumbernauld, via home visits or outdoors).
To test the waters, sessions are extremely limited and will be on a first come first served basis.
Our Approach
If you’ve ever been in a commercial gym you’ll see similar patterns. So called ‘Personal’ Trainers who set up a workout for a client. That client leaves only for the next one to arrive, only to be given the exact same workout.
Every person is unique, you have unique DNA, unique struggles and unique goals and if you are going to work with a Personal Trainer they need to know what it is about you that is unique to then work out a strategy that ensures you are optimising your approach.
When we work with clients we strive to work through every element that influences your results and tailor everything to suit you both as an overall approach and on the day. If you come in to train tired, we will adapt to how you are feeling. If you are full of energy, we’ll look to take advantage of that to maximise your results.
There is no one size fits all approach to fitness. What works for one person doesn’t work for everyone. But by tapping into what it is that makes you unique and working with that, rather than fighting it (or ignoring it) you are guaranteed to find the success you are looking for.
The concept of training a client for a session and then forgetting about them until the next one is inherently flawed.
When working with a personal trainer, the goal is not to do the odd workout. The sessions are simply a tool in achieving a desired outcome. But it is the outcome that remains the focus.
As the sessions are Personal Training sessions, then physical improvements are at the core. But without ensuring all other aspects (such as nutrition, sleep, daily activities and habits) are complementing those sessions, then they can never be optimal.
Your progress is the priority, not the sessions. So, if the focus has to come away from the physical aspect occasionally, to ensure everything is working in harmony, then that’s what we will do.
You have a goal and the purpose of working with a PT is to help you realise that goal, not to simply get you out of breath or leave your muscles aching (as many trainers seem to think).
Therefore, you will never be forced into a situation where you are dreading the workouts, or you feel you must follow a restricted diet that you need to ‘push through’. These approaches lead to temporary and unsustainable results.
We will therefore look to find an agreed path where you feel any discomfort in the process feels good as you understand the benefits, the thought of which is creating an emotional response that dwarfs such feelings.

“I have discovered my strengths and weaknesses, and feel I have slowly improved on both. Knowing I am being healthy and taking care of myself makes me realise why it is worth it, I now have new goals set for my future. Can’t thank you enough, Mark!”
Boost your confidence
Whether building a business or going through a rough patch, even the smallest fitness win can help you gain the confidence to achieve larger goals in your business life. Achieving improvements in the gym can be fairly straightforward, but infectious. Add to that improved body image and watch your confidence skyrocket.
Reduce Stress
Physical activity reduces stress hormones and increases the production of endorphins giving you a natural high. Working out can allow you to approach your work with a calmer mindset.
Improve Your Energy
A 2008 study published in the Journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics concluded that inactive individuals who normally complained of fatigue experienced increases in energy of up to 20 percent and decreased fatigue as much as 65 percent by participating in regular exercise.
Fewer Sick Days
Do you find that when stressed, you power through and achieve amazing things, but when you finally relax you suddenly get ill? Your body is an amazing machine and will cope with most things. But, at some point, it has to recover. Exercise trains your body to recover more efficiently; boosts your immune system and gives you an outlet to dump some of that toxic stress before your body overloads. If you don’t find time to exercise, you will have to make time for illness. Prevention is always better than a cure.
Regain Control
Watch a child focusing on a floor activity. They’ll sit in a perfect squat position for hours because it is what their body is designed to do. Adults develop bad habits and posture through sitting at desks, in cars and on couches. You should not be restricted by the fact you don’t have the physical capability to move correctly. And you shouldn’t be consuming unhealthy foods because you can’t stop yourself. Well coached exercises, nutritional and psychological information can help you regain control of your habits and your body ensuring YOU make the decisions rather than habit or limitations making them for you
Let Go Of Control
Sometimes it feels like you have to do everything. But with that comes an abundance of stress. When you work with a good trainer you’re acquiescing to someone else, accepting that you’re going to let them direct you to some degree. Entrusting someone helps enforce that you don’t have to do it all on your own in other areas of life and it allows you to switch off and release stress as the focus is all on you.

“I have gained 7.3lbs of pure muscle in about a month and a half … this guy is phenomenal! I am truly a lucky guy to have met coach Mark. He is one of the most trusting, trustworthy, knowledgeable, hard working and caring people I have met.“