There are a few questions that we get asked time and again, so we hope to address the most common ones here:
Your Investment
Probably the most common question we get emailed or asked is, ‘how much does it cost?‘
First off, if that is your one and only question and you have never visited the gym, then we are probably not for you.
What we offer here is a unique training experience that is extremely high value, regardless of your membership choice.
We focus on ensuring the best results and a training environment that can allow that to happen.
So if you are looking for a gym membership, then ask yourself, why are you joining a gym?
Usually it is to either obtain a specific physique result or to improve a performance element such as strength or speed.
So, the thing you should be asking is, will this facility be the best for me to obtain those results? If so, then you should not be comparing with a lesser facility on cost.
We specifically do not put our prices on the website because, until you have come in to see the facility and discussed the service we have to offer, those costs are meaningless.
The one thing we can assure you of is, we are never pushy about signing up when you come in to see us. If we are not the best facility for your needs, then we don’t want your money, it’s that simple.
If you’ve read all the other pages on this site, you will probably realise that, given the level of service and quality of training we provide, we are not the cheapest place in town. But, perhaps more surprisingly, we are not the most expensive either.
But if you are simply ‘shopping on price’ alone then you will absolutely be able to find cheaper alternatives and it is not worth contacting us.
We never set out to be the cheapest or to attract those who see realising their physical potential as something that should come at the lowest possible price.
No other facility even comes close to our staff and space to member ratio. Even at full capacity, each member has over 700sq.ft to themselves, no one ever has to queue for equipment and there is always help and advice available whenever required.
Our team of experts are not commodities to be purchased at the lowest possible rate or to be haggled over for discounts.
That may come over as a little arrogant, but it is not meant to be. It is simply a reflection of the business we have developed that provides the highest quality service, highest quality training facility and a quality of results that does not come at deal of the day prices.
If you are going to entrust your goals, your training, your nutrition, your hormonal balance, your internal makeup and your health, happiness and well-being over to another individual or facility then surely you want to make sure they are not the type who are giving it away as a deal of the day or offer discounts just to get you using their programmes and services?
Quite simply, we are professionals and like all professionals we command professional fees in exchange for a VERY professional service and high quality results. Though no one has ever told us that what we charge hasn’t been worth every penny invested.
However, as a gym we have various membership optionsMemberships (starting from no monthly fee and PAYG) and remember as a member your results and training are of paramount importance to us, so there will always be someone on hand to ensure you get the help you need in getting the most from your training.
If you need something more hands on, we can do nutritional plans, body composition analysis and tracking and Full Personal Training services encompassing full one to one coaching, nutritional analysis, results tracking and support beyond the realm of the gym.
And if you are looking for something a little more sociable, then you can always check out our group training sessions, the prices for which are all listed on the booking page.
So if that hasn’t put you off and you are still looking for the best solution to your fitness, physique or performance needs, book in for a tour or a consultation with our online booking system and we look forward to seeing you here soon.
Where Are You?
We are located in Clydebank Business Park.
Via Rail – It’s a 3 min walk from the platform of Singer Train Station (with trains to and from Central, Queen St & Partick etc. arriving every 15mins). Simply walk off the South Platform into the business park. Walk to the end of the street in front of you on to North Avenue. Turn right and walk for 2 blocks, we are in the recessed cul-de-sac on the right.
Via Car – We are 5 mins from Glasgow’s West end.
From Scotstoun head West along Dumbarton Road. When you reach the Lucky Strike Snooker Hall, turn right at the traffic lights onto Kilbowie Road. The business park is on your left. When you come in to the park, go right at the roundabout onto North Avenue and we are the 4th turning on the Right.
From Great Western Road head west until you reach Kilbowie Roundabout and turn left onto Kilbowie Road, follow the road to the bottom. Turn right just after Singer Train Station and then follow the directions above.
From the M8 – If you are at the Glasgow end, exit near Charing Cross to the Clydeside Expressway. Follow the signs to Scotstoun and Clydebank as above. Or come off on to Great Western Road and Follow the directions above. If you are near the Clyde Tunnel you can go through and take the Scotstoun Turn Off on your left and follow the directions above. If you are near the Airport, follow the signs to the Erskin Bridge, Cross the Bridge and then turn right on to Great Western Road until you reach Kilbowie Roundabout and then follow the directions above.
Via Bus – There are a number of buses that come from all over the city directly to the business park. These include the 6, 11, 62, 81 & 82. Though you can also travel to the Clyde Shopping Center which is directly across the road on the 204 & 205.
Although we sell some products over the counter, we do so in order to try to help out members by supplying our members with the things they need to make the best of their training. We don’t have a huge mark up for that reason and therefore very little scope for spoilage etc.
As such, we have a pretty much no refund policy.
Obviously, if the goods are faulty in some way, then we would issue a refund and if it is in brand new condition and it is only a few hours later (and we can be certain it’s in brand new condition (ie a supplement with the seal still on it) then we would issue a refund. However, if you simply found you ‘don’t like’ what you bought and want a refund, obviously we can’t do that.
We sell protein shake versions of most of the tubs of protein we sell so you can try the flavours before committing to a full tub. We have spare Versa Gripps on hand at the sizes we sell them at in order to check if you are taking the correct size for you. So if you leave the gym and when you return the seal on these items has been broken, they are now second hand and can’t be re-sold as if they are new. So if the protein is shown to have been faulty from the time it was opened, such as the flavour inside not matching the flavour noted on the tub, or the Versa Gripps are damaged and cannot be used for their purpose, then we are obliged to give you a refund. However, if you imagine you opened a tub of protein and took a scoop of it then didn’t like it, I would hope you wouldn’t feel you could then bring the tub back for a refund. Or if you opened the pack of Versa Gripps and either just didn’t like the colour or they coudn’t do something you ‘thought’ they could do even though they do the job they were intended for, clearly we can’t refund on these as they are now used.
As with everything, we do try to be fair and accommodating and either we act as a retailer and mark everything up to make sizeable profits on everything we sell to allow for heavy profits and so the odd return doesn’t affect us or we continue, as we prefer to do, by keeping costs as low as we can (again keeping in mind, we don’t have huge buying power, so we don’t get the same deals as large chain supermarkets etc) and ensuring we can give you the best prices available to us.
With regards services, we don’t hard sell anyone to sign up. You are more than welcome to take your time and think about it. We’d rather you were confident in your choice and focused on the path ahead, rather than thinking about the money all the time.
As such, we do no offer refunds after an agreement has been made. We will, however, always honor our end of the bargin. If, for any reason, we cannot do that, then, of course we will refund accordingly.
In any exceptional circumstances where we agree to a refund, this is subject to a 10% processing fee for any card payments and will only ever be granted within 7 days of the transaction regardless of method of payment.
Hopefully this is something that you will understand. It’s not there to fleece, but at the same time, if selling these products ends up ‘costing’ us money then it makes it no longer viable to stock any of them and we want to be able to ensure you have everything on hand to be able to make the most of your training.