When you spend enough time with people who have similar goals, you start to see patterns emerging. One that I have become more and more aware of is the idea of the ‘night off’.
Most people work hard all week and when the weekend comes, they naturally feel deserving of a break from being strict, healthy or sensible. And if that is what keeps you going through the week, then you should be free to make that choice.
I am reminded of something Anthony Robbins once said, that ‘people spend their entire week wishing it away in order to get to a 2 day period, during which they do things to their body that stops them from remembering it’.
And I’m sure, if that doesn’t apply to you, you know of people who it does.
Chances are (being on this site) you have a goal. Be it fat loss, muscle building or toning, you want to achieve. And hopefully, if you have read my other posts, you have an emotional attachment to that goal.
But often even the most driven people continue with the idea that, if they push hard all week and eat healthy, they earn the right to splurge. Maybe it’s just one night per week or a couple per month.
However, what I would like people to understand is that one night per week isn’t simply the sum total of that night.
A few drinks and junk food on a Friday usually leads to poor sleep, dehydration (which puts a strain on the activity of your liver – compromising its ability to mobilise stored fats) and a long lie.
Activity levels on Saturday are then, like it or not, at a lower level. Your system is still working hard to reset (so digestion and fat burning remain compromised).
Then there is the craving for fried food or more savoury junk food. That, in turn, leaves you feeling poor for most of the day with the idea of eating something nutritious or healthy being the furthest thing from your mind.
You may try hitting the gym, but your level is not at its usual standard. You might laugh it off gaining lots of sympathy from those who have been there before, but that isn’t getting the work done and is simply a sub-standard session.
You probably haven’t consumed enough water to fully re-hydrate.
Later you may prepare a higher quality meal, but either over eat (mistaking thirst for hunger) or not eat enough, as you still feel a touch fragile.
At night, you may consider a ‘hair of the dog’ remedy to carry you through, when actually an early night would be preferable.
Come Sunday, you may feel better, but given your sub-optimal Saturday, chances are you are still not firing on all levels.
That whole process could go on to affect a further 2 or 3 days. I’ve seen people destroy and entire week from with one night.
If that is what you choose to do, great. Just do it in the knowledge that one night is not just the sum of its intake. Its effects on your progress can be exponentially higher. Only by accepting that can you truly determine if the benefits outweigh any losses to your progress.
So, next time you reach for that ‘one’ glass of wine, that ‘one’ beer, that ‘one’ pizza slice. Just remember it is not just the calories you are consuming that count, it is the total effect on your system over the subsequent hours and days.
A Malteser may only be ’11 calories of naughyness’, but the hormonal effects are so much more and that should be considered before you justify its consumption.
Make informed choices not those justified through emotional logic or advertising.
If you truly want to change or progress, then make your choice and don’t compromise.

You’ve worked hard all week
You deserve a night off by Mark Tiffney
But what do you think?
Too strict?
Do you find you can overcome the ‘hangover’ effects and get straight back on track?
Or is this something that has been holding you back and you have just been kidding yourself?
Comment below and let me know.
As you’ve said before, that one beer/rum/pizza/malteaser is like an addiction! Tough to get out the Friday treat routine!