Mention the idea of drinking enough water and most people will agree it is important. But, upon reflection, find they don’t drink enough.
This is especially true in office environments where, ironically, because there is easy access, it creates apathy and most people will generally, at most, fill up one or two 250ml cups daily.
Water is required for EVERY process in the human body.
From a well-functioning liver, through to the functions of the brain, water is required for every one of the millions of functions our bodies perform daily.
A lack of water will leave you lethargic. It will usually trigger a feeling of hunger and so it will encourage overeating. But it will also cause a decreased hormonal response. Thus, a slower metabolism, making weight gain more likely.
In short, if you only get one thing right about your approach to improving your health, fitness and wellbeing, consume enough water.
The Government guidelines on water intake generally fall short.
Government guidelines suggest 2 litres per day.
This may be sufficient for a sedentary, 5ft tall, female. But for most adults who are in any way active (so most people) a target of between 3 and 4.5 liters is more advisable.
That may sound a lot, but you shouldn’t be drinking it all at once.
During a 16hr waking day, that’s under 200ml per hour.
Tip: If you are in an open plan office, come to an agreement with the 3 others. Set an alarm to go off every 30mins. When it sounds, take it in turns to go and fill up everyone’s glass. If yours isn’t empty, drink whatever is left. That way not only will you get enough water, but you are forced to move at least once every 2hrs giving you’re a chance to stretch and give your eyes a break from your screen.
The Importance of Water in Fitness
It is so easily dismissed because it’s not the latest scientific discovery, it doesn’t have claims on the label to burn fat off at a rate hitherto unknown. But, the role of hydration in fitness is crucial.
If you wish to optimize any results with regards health, body transformation or general fitness, staying hydrated is a must.
So, fill up a glass and drink your way to a healthier, fitter, more vibrant you.
And for those who have the opinion of “I don’t like water”, have a read at this article on Exercise and Nutrition You Simply Don’t Like and see if you can find your way to a solution. One option is to add some lemon juice to the water, which, especially in the morning, is useful for your gut health. Though adding it every time could cause its own issues, so don’t overdo it.
Don’t have time?
Often the reason for not getting enough water is more about time to fill up.
If you find your day is getting on top of you and water is the thing that suffers, it is important to remember that water is the foundation of everything.
It should be one of your highest daily priorities.
Don’t get enough and your focus will drop. Your work rate will suffer. You’ll make mistakes.
If this is happening frequently, it might be time to take a moment and make a plan.
Have a look at this article on Eating Healthy with a Busy Lifestyle for some thoughts on this. And yes, water gets mentioned as a priority once again.
It gets repeated in a lot of articles on this site simply because it is THAT important.

The Importance of Hydration by Mark Tiffney
So, where do you stand?
Are you already a water drinker?
Do you notice the difference when you don’t drink water?
If you’d like some further reading, check out this book on the benefits of water and its importance on daily life.
I certainly noticed a difference when I upped my water intake, feel better for it
Have to admit I’m not the best at drinking during office hours. Must try harder!
Feel so much better now that I am drinking a lot more water than I used to. Now more than double the recommended amount.