Excuses are everywhere. They affect not only fitness progression & physique transformations, they are so ingrained in modern society that it is worth taking a step back and reflecting on what you are saying.
These are nothing new. You will have heard them a million times and I guarantee you have used or continue to use some of them (I know I have). But by going through the list below, hopefully you will be able to see them more clearly and filter through the B.S. the next time you feel yourself using one of them.
Getting your head in the right place is half the battle when looking to overcome sticking points in either starting on making progress on your goals.
To help you get started, I’ve created a downloadable PDF outlining the Mental & Emotional Foundations that should be in place in order to be successful in your health and fitness endeavours.
Click Here to Grab Your Copy Instantly
1. I don’t have time
This has to be one of the most commonly used excuses, especially for not going to the gym or doing any training. Do you watch TV? No matter how little time you spend in front of the TV, that is time you are not achieving anything and if you genuinely want to make a difference you’ll prioritize your time more and get it done.
What you are really saying is, “It’s not a priority”.
It’s fine to take time to relax when you need it. Just don’t complain that you are not getting anywhere. You either want it or you don’t and if you really want to achieve something you’ll have to make the odd sacrifice. So non beneficial activities, no matter how enjoyable, should be given a lower level of priority. You will make time for things you really want to do, so if you don’t have time to do something you probably don’t want it enough.
That said, there are occasions where other things MUST take priority. A critical deadline at work; a family emergency or maybe you are moving house etc.
When such hurdles get in your way, the main thing is to ensure they remain a focused priority for a limited pre-determined length of time.
- Evaluate the things that are taking up your time. Compare their priority to the thing you “don’t have time” for. If, on reflection, they are a lower priority, treat them as such.
- If you genuinely cannot find the time, lower your expectations. Perhaps you can’t be perfect, but you can do ‘something’.Instead of making gym visits a 3x per week for an hour or nothing option, consider downgrading to 2x 25min sessions.Is that going to be perfect? No. But, it is vastly better than nothing at all.
- Consider outsourcing.For example, if your diet is your problem, you may WANT to be prepping healthy meals for the week, but you never have time. Could you pay someone to do the prep for you? Have a look at this post on Eating Healthy with a Busy Lifestyle for more on this. Even if diet is not the problem area, it may give you some ideas on how to approach the problem you do have.
2. I can’t afford it
You can’t afford to exercise?
Drop to the floor and power out some press ups, stand back up and bust out some squats. Grab a travel bag and fill it with clothes, grab the handles and sling it over your shoulders to add weight. If money is genuinely an issue, there is always something you can do, it is not an excuse to do nothing.
What you DO is your choice. Just because you can’t afford a personal trainer or a course you feel will benefit you, there is always something you can do.

3. It’s too expensive
This is similar to the I can’t afford it excuse, but more associated with joining a gym, hiring a Personal Trainer, buying a fitness book or piece of equipment. If you think these are going to help you improve your physique and fitness levels and those improvements are important to you, then you can probably cover the expense.
Going back to the TV, do you have sports channels? Movie channels? Do you go out on a Friday night? Do you buy junk food?
I’ll say it again, change requires sacrifice. There is always a cost to anything worth having, whether that cost be in time, discipline, sweat and discomfort, inconvenience or money, there is always a cost. Paying for something with cash is usually a way of making one of the other payments easier. Working with an expert will usually save you time and wasted effort in getting your results. So again, if these are your priorities, review the things that you spend money on and remove or limit those that do not help you achieve your priorities. A huge percentage of the population will happily spend £100+ on a regular Friday night out, but those same people would be reluctant to pay the same for a week of sessions with a trainer or even paying less than that for a full month of a gym membership.
- Evaluate your spending. It is extremely common for people to claim they can’t afford something, but then spend a small fortune on things that are adding no real benefit to their lives. For example, you claim health & fitness is something you want to improve, yet you pay for sky sports; Netflix; magazines (perhaps even fitness magazines that you read and never implement their advice); Starbucks coffee; a taxi to allow you to drink on a night out etc. None of these things move you toward your, alleged, goals. They all cost money. Perhaps that money could be better invested?
- Reflect on what you CAN afford. Rather than saying you can’t afford the thing or resource that would make all the difference and giving up. Take time to reflect on what things you can afford that will move the needle for you. Can’t afford a PT? Maybe join a gym and download a programme to try. Or look up a home workout. Something is always better than nothing.
- Ask for help. Again, using the PT example, if you can’t afford a personal trainer, but feel you need that one to one guidance, do you know anyone who knows more than you do who could help you out? They don’t have to be an expert, just further down the tracks than you. Or, if you feel it is of critical importance and would be life changing, could you ask someone to sponsor you? Either a family member who cares for your well-being, or perhaps someone you could offer your skillsets to in return.
4. I want…
Everybody wants something, but the difference between those who continue to want and those who get is action.
Mostly this gets used by those who want others to do the work for them. If you want something stop talking about it and go do something about it.
“Errrrbody wanna be a bodybuilder….But don’t nobody want to lift heavy aaaazzz weights!”
Ronnie Coleman, former Mr. Olympia champion
5. I’ll need to…
This is just more talk. If you need to do something, do it, don’t waste time talking about it. This is a really easy trap to fall into and I’m as guilty as anyone. But catch yourself saying it and do something proactive about it.
“I’ll need to get back to the gym” is not helping anyone, it is just a way of justifying that you haven’t yet to others and making them aware that you know you should have made it there already. So don’t say you’ll need to… just get it done.
Better yet, take a minute and work on your goal setting.
Decide who you are going to be and be that person. That way you’ll do it because of who you are. If you use this ‘excuse’ you are simply admitting you are not someone who ‘does’ the thing you ‘need to’ be doing. And if you are not that person, you will never do that thing.
6. I need…
You don’t need anything other than Oxygen, heat and water. Everything else is optional.
But if you feel so strongly about something that you want it enough to be prefixing it with the fact that you ‘need’ it then, get moving and do something about it or stop kidding yourself.
“I need to lose 10lbs” – No! You WANT to lose 10lbs!
“I need a PT” – No! You WANT a PT! (or something else you feel is currently out of your reach to give you a reason for not achieving or doing)
Make that want something more emotionally motivating. Figure out why you want to lose the 10lbs. Then start turning it into positive action “I am going to get that figure, by this time, this is why, therefore, this is how I will feel when I achieve it and this is how I’m going to do it…”
7. I should…
This is just another way of saying “I haven’t yet”.
What you should do is of no concern, what you are doing is.
If you ‘should’ be doing something, then do it.
This is mainly used when someone else is giving advice because you feel you are stuck. “Yeah, I should get back to the gym”, or “I know, I should take more time to cook meals”, however, it is generally followed with a “but..” followed by another one of the phrases on this list.
8. I’ll do it when…
If it was that important you’d do it now.
The chances are, if you are waiting for something to happen before you act.
It will either never happen or you will find something else to wait for when it does.
Rather than sitting on your ass waiting for something to happen, go and make it happen.
“I’ll join a gym when we get this project finished at work” – There will be another project on after this one or it’ll be something else. Your health is important. Prioritize it. Stop putting it off. You are either going to join a gym or you’re not. If you are, do it now! If not, stop pretending it’s important and admit you are never going to do that thing. You’ll feel much less stressed and self-deprecating as a result.
9. I’ve got too much on at work.
First off READ THIS ARTICLE then ask yourself, why do you work?
If you don’t have your health, what will happen to your work?
Seriously, work is important, but it should not be taking over your life.
Work to live, don’t live to work.
No one is forcing you to work those extra hours. You may say, it’s implied or it is expected of you, but in the end, you decide what you do with your life.
If that’s your choice, then great, but don’t complain when you look and feel awful as a result. And keep in mind, if you are too ill to do the job, or end up off sick repeatedly, your company will quickly replace you and move on. As much as you are trying to build your importance within your role, to develop your career, no one is irreplaceable and a healthy, vibrant employee will always be more valuable than someone who is a martyr, pushes themselves too far, and ends up burned out or ill.
10. I hate doing that
This is usually a good indicator of ‘that’ being something you need to do more of.
Usually this phrase could be easily changed to ‘I’m not very good at that’ and you don’t like doing it for that reason.
Have a look at this article on ‘turning hate on it’s head’, then the next time you catch yourself saying you hate doing something, do it anyway and keep doing it until you love doing it. Then decide if you ‘should’ do it or not.
11. I have to do (this), before I can do (that)
This is a tricky one as some things are progressive and should be done sequentially.
But, those things are related and one is the foundation of the other.
For example, you may want to work on your basic strength before you start to work on the minutia of muscle shaping. But if the end goal is a physical shape, then that is what you are working towards and you have begun by working on the strength aspect.
However, “I have to buy the right shoes and shorts before I start training” or “I have to lose 10lbs before I join a gym” (Seriously! I can’t believe how often that still gets used) are just excuses to put something off you don’t feel confident about. You want to achieve, get going and ditch this excuse.
12. I’m such a loser
This one really irks me.
It’s one that seems even more poignant these days since ‘The Biggest Loser’ hit our screens.
You are not a loser regardless of the circumstances.
If you fail at something, pick yourself up and either learn from it and do better next time or strive to improve.
Either way, you are where you are. Accept that and move forward.
And if you are moving forward and improving you are far from a loser. You are an inspiration and should be proud of yourself.
The only opinion of you that truly matters is yours. Be proud of who you are and continually strive to be better.
13. I’m a failure
As with the ‘I’m such a loser’ comment above, you do not fail unless you choose to.
You only fail if you give up.
If you get it wrong, you learn.
If you don’t manage a lift, a time or a task of any kind, you work out how to improve and continue to move towards it.
The only way you can fail is if you stop trying.
So if you are a failure you are so by choice.
Choose not to be.

14. I don’t have the right equipment
This is the same as ‘I need to do this before I can do that’. You do not need any equipment to start!
If you want to do a workout, you have body weight exercises.
You can fill a bag with clothes and lift that as a weight.
Maybe the thing you want to do is become a great cyclist, but you need a bike to start?
But you could work on your general fitness levels. Your leg power, strengthening your tendons and ligaments, improving your lung capacity. And chances are you know someone with a bike you could borrow until you can get your own.
You can always do something regardless of the equipment at your disposal.
And this is where the cost of a gym membership shows its value. You get the use of thousands of pounds worth of equipment for a fee that is usually no more than a couple of pounds per day. So if you want the right equipment, get to a good gym.
15. My gym is so busy I can’t get a proper workout
Then change gyms!
Seriously! You pay a membership in order to be able to workout. If you genuinely can’t workout properly, then you are paying for nothing.
If there is one gym in an area, there are likely to be hundreds more in the vicinity.
Your criteria should not be based on which one is closest, which one is cheapest or which one has the fanciest cafe.
You go to a gym to train, so make sure you can train to a level that will get you what you want from it.
For example, at our Gym in Glasgow, the set up is completely different. We have a limit on the number of people who come here at any given time. Just like going to a restaurant, if you want to ensure you’ve set your time aside efficiently, then you can book your training slot. It may be 10mins further away than 3 other gyms, but how much time will you save, and how much more effective will your workout be by not having to queue or compromise your training?
We may not be an option for you, but the fact that we exist suggest there is likely an option that is better than your current one within a reasonable journey time from you.
Check everything available within a 20min commute from your place of work and from your home. You are bound to find something.
16. I don’t feel motivated
You don’t need to feel motivated, you need to be committed.
If you commit to something you’ll do it regardless of motivation.
However, the thing that gets you started is generally an emotional trigger and it has to be big to cause you to want to commit.
Find something you do want. Find your true Emotiviation and this excuse should never be an issue.
17. I just had a little…
This excuse only ever comes up when it is something you know you shouldn’t have had ‘a little’ of.
Who are you trying to justify it to?
Mostly this comes up because you want someone else to tell you it’s OK.
That ‘everything in moderation’ is fine.
Well either you believe that or you don’t.
If you believe it, there should be no need to say anything. If you don’t, then remind yourself of that the next time you reach for that ‘half slice of cake’ or that ‘just one glass of wine’ and stop justifying with this excuse.
18. I’m too old
You are not too old until you are dead.
Michelangelo designed St. Peter’s Cupola when he was 83.
Benjamin Franklin was past 80 when he helped draft the constitution.
And if you think these are not fitness related, so have no bearing, Fauja Singh took up running at the age of 80 and completed his most recent marathons beyond the age of 100.
Ernestine Shepherd entered her first bodybuilding competition aged 71 and continues to train and coach others 15 years later.
The examples are there if you choose to look. And as soon as one person disproves the rule, you can no longer cling to it.
So if you are using your age as an excuse you may want to re-think that.
19. That won’t work for me
Have you tried it or are you basing that on a feeling or something you’ve read?
If you are looking beyond what you are doing, then clearly what you are currently doing isn’t working as you’d like.
So, if you look for advice and advice is given, take it. Try it and then decide if it works for you or not.
20. I don’t know what to do
Something! You can tweak as you go, but for now, just do something.
And then, if you want to know more, post a question on our Facebook page.
Alternatively, find someone who does know and ask.
If it is gym related, you may want to consider a Personal Trainer (but do your research, a bad PT can be worse than no trainer). Or use another teaching resource.
Have a look at this review of Nate Miyaki’s Natural Physique Training Course as an example of what is available. If that is the sort of thing you are looking for, all you need to do is sign up and follow along with the guidance step by step. It’s a one off fee and you have the resource for life. How can you go wrong?
21. I don’t know where to start
As above – Just Start!
And don’t feel you need to get on the course mentioned, or hire a PT, first. You can still do something in the meantime.
Everyone knows of things that would help.
Again, sticking with fitness, go for a 20min walk; climb a flight of stairs when you planned to take the lift; park at the back of the supermarket car park and walk to the door. All these things are you starting. From there you refine, tweak, take advice and build your knowledge. But you can always ‘start’ if you choose to.
22. I’ve tried everything
Trust me, you have not tried everything.
If you had tried everything you would have found the thing that works.
Most often people that have tried ‘everything’ have either tried every gimmick and quick fix option, but are unwilling to do anything tried and proven because it is too hard. Or they have tried lots of things for a short time and then given up before they have a chance to show any kind of result.
If you fall into this category, take a step back. Review things rationally. Stop looking for the ‘magic bullet’. And make a plan with a structure and a feedback loop that is not based on panic or following the crowd.
And, as with many of these, if you find that hard to do, take expert advice.
Better to get some advice than to waste several years chasing the next big thing that is all style and no substance.
There is no shortcut. There is simply what works and within that, there are things that will fit into your lifestyle and those that will not.
The goal is not to find the magic, quick, solution. The goal is to find what works for you in a way you can make a habit without undue stress.
It does exist, you just haven’t found it yet.
23. What’s the point?
You tell me? What was your reason for wanting to do something in the first place?
This one generally gets reeled out when the going gets tough. Or, sometimes, after a week of hard effort with no visible results.
If you are willing to give up that easily, then you didn’t really want it in the first place.
The point is whatever you make it.
Is there any point in giving up?
Is there a reason you wanted to achieve what you set out to achieve?
If so, that’s the point.
Don’t give up!
24. I’ll never…
Yes, you are probably right.
If you resign yourself to defeat you will make it so.
This doesn’t mean you can’t, just you have chosen not to.
25. I’ll start next week
What’s so special about next week?
Why not tomorrow?
Why not today?
Every day you put something off is just another day that needs to be caught up.

Sorry you’ll have to repeat that. I couldn’t hear you over this guy being awesome!
26. I’ve got an injury
If you’ve got the energy and facility to voice that, chances are you have the ability to do something. It may not be what you intended or planned to do, but that’s no reason to do nothing.
If your injury in in your lower body, do an upper body workout, if it’s in your arm, work your legs. Even if your entire body is in a cast and you can only move your forearms, you could still be doing wrist curls and working on your grip strength.
If you planned to do something, then do something! And if you still feel you can’t, read this.
27. I have poor genetics
Then you’ll just need to work harder.
Some people are born genetically gifted and others are born with poor genetics. That’s the hand you are dealt.
What you do with it is up to you.
If you have poor genetics and you want to get in great shape, that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. It simply means you might have to work 3 times harder or be 3 times stricter than the genetically gifted person.
Your genetics are just a factor, but should never be an excuse to give up or fail to achieve.
Ultimately that person with great genetics is likely to coast on them and get lazy. You, on the other hand, will learn what it takes to succeed earlier and, when age starts to catch up on the others, you will be ahead of all of them.
Think about that and stay motivated.
28. I’m too tired
Again, this is a tricky one as genuine fatigue could be a valid reason for holding back.
But often this one could be substituted with ‘I can’t be bothered’ and there is a big difference.
If you have set the time aside to do something active, like training, then give it a go. Don’t go in and try for a PB on your Squat or Load up for a heavy Olympic Lift. Start light and explosive and find out whether you are genuinely run down or just being lazy.
Have a read at this for more on training when tired.
29. I’m too stressed
This can fall into the same category as being too tired.
Work stress, family stress, relationship stress or lack of sleep, which is a stress on your nervous system, can indeed have a heavy detrimental effect on your training and should not be pushed through just because.
But, the answer is the same as being too tired – start light; be explosive; listen to your body for feedback.
Everyone gets stressed from time to time. But if it is happening frequently, then you have to deal with that.
Either get rid of the cause or learn to manage it better.
However, don’t ignore it. It has too big an influence.
And don’t use it as an excuse to do nothing. The feeling of not achieving will only add to the weight.
Remember, if you are busy, there are things you can prioritize and things you can do to get help [Eating Healthy with a Busy Lifestyle]
30. But…
But what?
This is one I’m very guilty of and have to keep an eye out for. That word creates doubt and doubt halts action.
If you start to say something positive, then follow it with a ‘but’, learn to stop yourself.
The positive statement is all you need.
No ifs, buts or maybes – No Excuses!
31. I’m too self conscious
Making improvements is all about getting out of your comfort zone.
Whether it is pushing yourself further with your training or just pushing yourself to do something you don’t find easy or comfortable.
If you are self conscious, all the more reason to be working on improving.
Other people don’t care so much about what you look like but rather what you are doing.
Make your actions speak for you. And know you are making improvements toward being your Best Self.
If anyone has an issue with that, that’s their problem, not yours.
32. I have to put my family first
This one sounds hard to argue with.
Of course your family has to take priority for the most part. But similarly, you will be a priority to them.
Your health should be important to them and without that you may be either useless to them or, in severe cases, a burden.
But even if we are simply talking physical appearance or fitness levels, which are correlated to health anyway, how you feel about yourself is a factor in your overall wellness. And if it is important to you, then explaining that to your family should result in their support.
Perhaps not in all cases. However, if your family is not willing to support you when your reasoning is putting them first, that’s an issue beyond the scope of this article.
33. I don’t want to get bulky
Then Don’t!
But that’s no reason to avoid lifting heavy weights.
No one ever got bulky over night.
It takes months to add any noticeable size from muscle and years to add a mass that could be considered bulky.
This excuse is usually one that women use because they are worried they will turn into masculine looking bodybuilders. But that just doesn’t happen naturally to women as they don’t have enough testosterone (without injecting more).
And even if they did ‘supplement’, it takes a severe amount of work to add significant levels of muscle.
Those busting their asses in an attempt to do that would find it pretty insulting to hear you say you don’t want to lift heavy for this reason.
If it was that easy they wouldn’t be working so hard in the gym and piling up their plates at meal time day in day out in an attempt to add 5lbs of muscle over the course of a year.
So put down that excuse and pick up that heavy ass weight!
34. You have to have some enjoyment
This often gets thrown out on the back of advice of how harmful a certain food type (or drink) is for physique or fitness development.
If you have to eat crap or drink to enjoy yourself then I’d suggest there are bigger issues with your life that need to be looked at.
Food is a fuel.
It doesn’t have to be bland. But if a food or a drink is necessary for your happiness then that is more of a psychological issue. Especially if you are claiming that the change you are looking for from your training and diet is important to you.
Reflect on your priorities. How important is the change to you? What is your Emotivation for your change?
If, on reflection, you are then still reaming this one off, then you may have dependency issues that you are not quite willing to admit.
35. I’ll work it off at the gym later
This falls into a similar category to the excuse above.
You may work off the equivalent calories, but the nutritional and hormonal issues associated from eating badly can not be undone by a workout.
You can’t out train a bad diet.
So if you choose to eat crap, go for it. You are an adult and can do what you want. Just don’t use going to the gym later as justification for it.
36. I’ll never look like that
Probably not!
Especially if this is your internal belief.
But you don’t have to look like someone else.
What you can do is look the best you possibly can for you. And once you start down that path you will probably find your idolized physique is no longer on your radar. Or if it is, that you are able to get much closer to it than you first thought.
Use others as inspiration, not as an excuse to quit.
37. It’s too far
If it’s important to your goals then it’s not too far.
You are just too lazy to make the journey. Or the goal is not important enough to you.
Either way, stop spouting this excuse.
If the best gym or trainer for you to reach your goals is 20 miles away, but there is a gym or trainer 5mins up the road that is not as good, do you choose the close one or the one that will work?
If it’s the former, then you are wasting your time and your money with a false economy.
I find this funny that the same people who won’t travel an additional 10mins to use a gym, that is clearly better for them, will then book concert tickets at £100+ and travel 300miles for a 90min show. Or they’ll sit in front of the TV for 3hrs per night feeding their face with pizza, crisps and chocolate.
That time could have been used making some amazing progress that would benefit every aspect of their lives. But it is never thought of that way, because, “You have to have some enjoyment” [See number 34].
38. My friend said…
If you listen to everyone you’ll just end up a confused mess.
Everyone is an armchair expert.
There is a school of thought that you can only follow one master.
To an extent that is true.
If you have committed to one Coach or Adviser, then go looking for other pieces of advice, you haven’t put enough faith in that person. Therefore, the relationship will never work.
Then there is the Bruce Lee approach of – take in everything, discard what doesn’t work, keep the rest.
Both approaches make sense.
It really depends on how in tune with your own development or how analytical you are.
There are many paths to success.
So, if your ‘friend’ is telling you what you are doing is wrong or you should be doing it differently, in most cases you are simply doing something they are not. That doesn’t make it wrong.
Just keep to your plan and make your own decisions.
Don’t get distracted.
39. I’m happy as I am
If that is true then fantastic!
But then why has this even come up?
Either it is because you are not actually happy but you are trying to convince yourself you are because you can’t be bothered doing anything about it; or, others are seeing potential in you that you have not seen in yourself, but you can’t be bothered in putting in the effort to realize that potential.
I’d love it if everyone were truly happy with themselves.
But, if they truly were, then this phrase would never see the light of day.
40. You don’t know what it’s like
Maybe I don’t, but what difference does that make?
Everyone thinks their situation (when it’s bad) is worse than anyone else has ever experienced.
Chances are the people you think ‘don’t know what it’s like’ know exactly what it’s like. They have been there. They have simply dealt with it without making a huge drama of it.
This is most commonly used as a get out clause to make someone else ‘allow’ you to quit or fail.
Understand it is just an excuse.
Whatever the situation, it is what it is. And you can only deal with it to the best of your ability, regardless of what anyone else thinks.
If you are confident you are giving your all, there is no need to justify things.
No one has the right to judge you, but they will anyway. That’s their problem, not yours. Your only concern is to continue doing what you know is your best and owning it as such.
41. It’s not my fault
Yes it is!
Do something about it.
Even if something or someone else is to ‘Blame’, it is what it is!
You can’t control it or do anything about that.
Deal with what you can control.
It is your ‘Responsibility’ to do something about it.
Your progress is down to you, no one and nothing else.
So there you have it! 41 Excuses to watch out for and look to eliminate from your life in order to make some real progression with your physical and fitness developments. They will also apply to other aspects of your life no doubt, so read and re-read.
People are going to judge you. That’s human nature.
You do it too.
(If you think you don’t, have you ever refused to give a charity worker some money; what are your political beliefs? (and what do you think of the opposition?); do you support a sports team? What are your religious beliefs? And what do you think of those who have a different view? If someone cuts you up on the motorway, what do you think? We all judge others every day.)
And as a result, we all judge ourselves.
Your job is not to justify your actions.
Simply look to understand the meaning and implications of your choices. If they genuinely sit well with your core values and beliefs, then there is nothing to be said. If you feel you are being harshly judged, that’s the other person’s problem. But, if you know, deep down, you are masking the truth; looking to justify your choices; or you are acting on habit, rather than making your own choices and it bothers you; rather than trying to talk your way out of it, take the time to reflect.
When you work out what is important to you, then you can make those things your priority.
And if you are doing that, you’ll have nothing left to justify.
As a quick reminder, here are a few resources that may be of use to help:
Useful resources:
- When you don’t have time.Have a read at how to Eat Healthy with a Busy Schedule.Even if eating healthy is not the issue, the principles still apply.
- If you don’t know where to start, when it comes to fitness; you feel you need a PT, but can’t afford it; your schedule wouldn’t allow for you to make appointments for one to one coaching; or you just feel you are stuck or lost and need guidance.Have a look at the behind this review of the Natural Physique Training Course. Again, this doesn’t have to be about training. It simply shows you that there are alternative ways of getting advice and guidance that don’t have to be exactly as you had envisioned. Even if it’s not the perfect solution, it’s moving you forward. There is ALWAYS a ‘better’ solution that is just out of reach.
- I’ve too much on at work
- I’ve got an injury
- I’m too tired
- I don’t like…All of these phrases are excuses that can be re-framed. Just click the link for more detail on how to approach them.
- And if you feel you need further reading or equipment (gym or kitchen related) to make your life easier, take a look at these lists.Rather than have you trawl through Amazon looking for ideas, I’ve pulled together some useful category headings. Just look for the heading you are interested in and you’ll find personally selected recommendations.I have no direct association or any reason to recommend these particular items. I have either used them myself, or I know someone they have benefited.The hope is, it will simply save you time.Just remember, though, you don’t NEED anything to start. These are just things that can help make your life easier to progress, if you feel they are worth the investment.

41 Excuses
Holding You Back by Mark Tiffney
Which of these do you use regularly?
Let me know in the comments below.
It’s like any other issue – if you admit you have a problem, that’s the first step to banishing it.
Are there any that I’ve missed? Again comment below.
Remember, this is about community and sharing for the benefit of all, so be sure to get involved. (or are you going to make an excuse for not doing that too?).
And don’t forget to ‘like’ ‘tweet’ & ‘share’ the article and help build this community and improve the content and feedback.
Must admit I have used some of them. Sometimes it’s a thought to go workout after a hard day in the office but I always feel better after a workout and am glad I went.
That was a great article.
I clicked on this by accident, I have no interest in exercise and I’m not really your typical demographic, but I am struggling with progressing on my goals at the moment, and your words are actually really inspiring. (except perhaps worrying about getting bulky!).
So glad you found it useful.
Thanks for reading.